Tuesday 31 July 2007

One of the columns at Plant Services

For the past few years I have been writing a lot for anumber of magazines, conferences, seminars and websites. (As well as my books, this blog and other areas)

I would like to introduce you to my regular column at Plant Services.com at present this is a monthly contribution but we are currently talking about ways to make this a bi-weekly column and possibly even into its own newsletter. So stay tuned!

Within the next few months I also hope to have the third of my books out in the marketplace. I wrote Asset Resource Planning in order to address what I saw as being a lack of information regarding how to get maximum efficiency in asset intensive industries. (E.g all of those that have a need for some form of Plant Maintenance activities)

Although written under different circumstances to my last book The Maintenance Scorecard this book is the second in a series of books I have been working on that try to address the issues related to fourth generation asset management.

To be more precise, we are now past the point where Asset Management is getting more important, and we are one of the great beneficiaries of technological advances... So how do we take the best advantage of all of these - more in later posts.

Equipment, Maintenance and Technology is part of the Lassiter Group. (C) Lassiter 2007.

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