Tuesday 9 December 2008

And...we're back !

After over a year of being very quiet, I am just about to kick this blog back into high gear.

I will post more on this over the next few weeks, but I am on the verge of a historic move back to Australia. (Historic for me and my family anyway) As a result I can get back to one of the things

I most enjoy - blogging and writing about Reliability and Asset Management!

There are also a lot of other activities that I have planned to try to add some real value to the community.

1) If you aren't already a part of our LinkedIn community, then you might want to join. The link is here. We are the largest reliability focused community on LinkedIn and I hope to grow that substantially over the next few months. (Now defunct)

2) I have been posting a lot on my regular column at PlantServices.com. I hope you will follow there and let me know if the posts are of use to you or not. They're good people and they are doing a lot fo the asset management community.

3) Please get involved! It isn't a conversation if there is only one of us doing all the talking. So feel free to comment on the blog, argue, differ, agree or whatever. The goal is to generate a community - not just to give speeches!

4) At the end of January I will be starting a once a month Teleconference / Webinar. I hope this will be a regular event where we will run through issues related to reliability.

And in particular where we will be able to address the very serious issue of why do many reliability initiatives fail! (If you are interested please send me an email.)

5) I will be starting up a newsletter series soon. The primary goal of the newsletter is to deliver so much value that you will feel compelled to tell other people about it. I hope you will stick around for that.

In the meantime, watch this space. I will be posting a few items here regularly until I get settled back in Australia again. And I hope that you will drop back to see how it is all going.

Great to be writing here again!

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