Thursday 5 February 2009

You wouldn't believe it's the twenty first century...

Some of the common issues that maintainers are struggling to deal with even as we close on the end of the first decade of the 21st century.

  • Many organizations still don't have an accurate equipment register..
  • Many companies still do not have mobile working capabilities even though these are cheap today...
  • Some organizations still do not perform RCA after every Lost production Event
  • There are utilities industries in many countries who are still working without the safety net of an asset management framework of some kind.
  • People are still dying in maintenance related accidents that are preventable and / or predictable.
  • There is still no capacity planning in many organizations.
  • CAPEX decisions are still made using criticality instead of robust methods like AHP.
  • No RCM
  • No CBM
  • No whole of Life models
  • And the list goes on.

If this sounds like the place where you work then you have problems. And big ones. If they haven't done it already (these basic items) then they are not likely to.

It has to come from you. If you don't start driving these issues then things will stay as they are.

We tend to think that there is a big "Idea Approvals Department" in every company who looks at these things and decides how to get them done. The world doesn't work like that I'm sorry.

Start talking to colleagues. Get them interested. Get their support. Do some work guerrilla style. Prove the results. Do it again and prove the results again. Move to the next thing, repeat the process.

Keep driving under the radar until you get to the point where their are people lining up to take credit for your work. Never take it to the boss though. The boss is trained to stop things like this. He sees them as risky. Out of his areas of expertise.

You have to go underground if this is going to be a success I'm afraid.

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