Monday 14 May 2007

Safety in maintenance

Here are some recent articles regarding safety in maintenance that are on the net. When I first started talking about issues related to this it was seen as a bit of "fire and brimstone" and as an effort to scare the living daylights out of people.

However the reality has far exceeded anything I was talking about at the turn of the century. Today we are seeing a solid link forming in societies laws and regulations that recognises the unique roel of asset maintainers in the area of asset safety.

I hope these are of interest:

Three Swiss Skyguide managers, two maintenance staff and three other employees have been charged with negligent manslaughter in relation to the accident. The accused, who have denied any responsibility, also faces charges of negligent disruption of public transport.

The state is considering charging two senior Israel Railways executives with negligent manslaughter in three different cases. It was recently reported that the Israel Police recommended indictments against IR CEO Ofer Linczewski and Deputy CEO of Operations and Maintenance Harel Even, following an investigation of the railway accident at Beit Yehoshua last June. Five people were killed and dozens injured in the accident.

WASHINGTON — Two congressional Democrats set to question BP’s top U.S. official at a Wednesday hearing are investigating whether the company disregarded necessary maintenance before oil spills in Alaska last year.

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